Data Analystics

Becoming a Data Analyst?

It's important to understand that data is a program-based discipline to a business and not an IT owned project. Your success depends on enabling decision makers to access relevant data in timely manner. See our training courses to help you become a better data analyst.


CRM Training

Any company dealing with external customers has it's own CRM system. Learn common CRM objects relationship between Leads, Opportunities, Accounts,  Contacts, Marketing Campaigns and Support data as a data analyst. 

Master Data Management

MDM streamlines data sharing between different business systems and facilitate computing in system architectures that contain a variety of platforms and applications. In addition, effective master data management helps make the data used in business intelligence (BI) and analytics applications more trustworthy.

SQL Performance Tuning

Learn to avoid your database administrator flagging you for writing system resource intensive SQL queries. This course can help you write better SQL queries that will perform faster and easier to audit results.

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence

Even the best BI application will not help you teach company's specific business processes and rules. Our training course will help you become a better reporting analyst regardless of the BI application your company chooses.

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