Digital Media

Career in Digital Media?

Careers in Digital Media are growing at a fast speed. The field is also extremely competitive and demands artistic creativity polished through solid experience. The usage range of digital media goes anywhere from marketing, branding, sales, and even customer satisfaction. It’s a complete 360 degree usage by the organizations.

Our training program builds on your artistic nature and provides you with real products and platforms to work on. The key to success here is to build your intuition around real world projects and show case your work on live solutions. Another aspect is to receive feedback and discuss alternates or defend your approach. Our training is ideal for people who want to work independently and build a successful career in digital media.


DM for websites
Digital Media For Websites

Digital Media career for Websites and Blogs requires training on domains, users, actions, and themes. There are tons and tons of websites and blogs that need support from experienced digital artists that can deliver world class digital media. Our training builds on your academic knowledge and exposes you to real websites and blogs where you can strengthen your skills. You work with teams of professional creators where the feedback loop will build your skills and confidence further.

It’s recommended for young professionals who have studied digital media and aspire to make a name in digital media for websites and blogs.

DM for mobile apps

Digital Media for mobile apps

A career in digital media for mobile apps is running high in demand as the world produces millions & millions of mobile apps. The dynamics and variety of needed digital media is so intense that you as professional have to have real world portfolio to build with confidence. Our training will put you on real mobile apps concepts across various domains and platforms. Each project exposure will give you learning opportunity to advance your skills and profile.

It’s recommended for young professionals who have recent experience on mobile apps and understand the challenges of screen sizes and cross platform limitations.

DM for social platforms

Digital Media for Social Platforms

Demand for digital media created just for the social media is huge. These are the platforms that get more views and visitors in a single day. The amount of experience and training that is required will be enhanced by our training program. The key to success is to try creative posts and contents and garner visitors and followers for specific posts. The learning potential in our program is only as intensive as you are as we apply & pursue guerilla marketing using original contents.

It’s recommended for young creative artists that spend more time on social platforms.

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We offer Human Capital Improvement (HCI) programs focused on research and analysis. Enhanced learning experience and goals tracking

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